More Seniors Online but They’re Not Happy About It

While 87 per cent of Australian seniors believe digital services have made their lives easier, 46 per cent still experience feelings of frustration when it comes to technology. Not only do they feel that the lack of clear instructions for  using new devices makes their lives harder, but they also feel that there is also a prevailing lack of understanding about the help older people need.

In 2018, 65 per cent of seniors reported that they’d rather talk to a person rather than communicate online. In 2021, this figure increased to a staggering 82 per cent.

Additional areas of frustration include poorly designed website help services, difficult navigation, and the reliance of computer-generated answers to solve issues. Many seniors also believe that digital services are designed for younger people.

The Chief Executive of National Seniors Australia, John McCallum, sums it up perfectly, “these are really not designed for the interests of all the people who use them.” He suggests including older people in the design phase as the solution.

On a positive note, many seniors (59% of people surveyed) are looking for training in digital services to ensure they can use online services and keep in touch online.

Read the full article here.