The Big Digital Challenges Facing Charities Today

The past two years have resulted in a deluge of developing digital strategies as we work towards embracing a digital transformation. There are certainly many benefits arising from this, but it would be naïve to assume that it hasn’t come presented some hurdles.

Budget constraints. Capacity. Digital inclusion. Lack of information. Cyber security issues. All these issues have snowballed into some very real challenges currently facing charities.

Social media has become particularly challenging for some organisations, because there is just so much to consider. Different platforms. Algorithms. Hashtags. Quirky content. What do we do? When do we do it? How often? And sometimes, how do we even get started? Even the most skilled social media star can only know, learn, and create so much.

As digital content becomes increasingly important, charities are faced with having to create content “on a shoestring.” Many organisations suffer from a lack of capacity, skills, and resources. It can easily become increasingly difficult to create the content needed to succeed.

This article comes from the UK, but all of these points are relevant for Australian charities.

Charities need “streamlined processes, automated admin, and other efficiencies.” But guess what? You still need initial capacity to do all those things, and many can’t get started… We may not magically be able to lessen demand and increase our budgets, but we can make small steps.