Providing a Better Life Through Technology

Here at Leep we are huge proponents of technology making our lives better. Whether that’s from learning how to use QR Codes, making technology part of your wellness plan or, as we learned from the residents at Feros Care’s Wommin Bay and Byron Bay, keeping your mind active and improving your memory by playing video games.

The aged care residents in northern New South Wales have been partaking in the pleasures of the force with regular games of Star Wars: Battlefront that have improved their cognitive skills and assisted in building their connections with younger visitors.

Twice-weekly gaming sessions over three weeks greatly improved memory immediately. This later regressed which suggests game play should be ongoing to preserve positive effects. Feros Care have introduced gaming on a regular basis, with gaming battles where seniors can dress up (pictured here) and even battle their junior counterparts which has been a huge mood booster for participants.

Read the full article here.