On Wednesday 1 November, Leep hosted our 25th Annual General Meeting. It wasn’t your ordinary run of the mill event – alongside the usual formalities was a dynamic and powerful presentation from Joanne Jacobs from Disruptor’s Handbook as well as our annual performance by staff.
Joanne’s presentation on Fit for the Future: Fostering a Resilient and Engaged Citizenry considered what the term “digital health” really means, and why societies should be working to improve theirs. In considering the impact that emergent technologies are having on citizens, Joanne explored what role Leep will have to play in building a digitally healthy Australia.
Here are some key quotes from Joanne’s presentation:
“The cost of failing to generate digital health and resilience is significant. McAfee estimates that cybercrime alone is costing the global economy over US$600 billion per year, and argues that vulnerability of digital systems is largely the result of unsophisticated security practices among employees. The humans are the weakness in most digital systems.
But it’s not just cybersecurity. According to the Australian Computer Society and Access Economics, rapid adoption of new technologies could inject A$54 billion over five years into the Australian economy. But we need an active and engaged community to achieve that value.”
“Leep fills a gap not often considered in the development of digital literacy and health programs. Because the program is focused on self-directed learning and interest based skills development, Leep enables literacy development without the constraints of a formal program, or specific infrastructural requirements. It connects learners with the digitally skilled from any social or cultural background, and with the content that suits their immediate needs.”
Staff performed again this year with renditions of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Your’s” and Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” with some changed lyrics to promote Leep’s message of building trust and confidence in using technology.
Click here to watch or read Joanne’s presentation in full +