Legend to Volunteering

This recorded webinar is designed for people looking to start their volunteering journey. You will be introduced to your rights as a volunteer, your responsibilities when working within a volunteer program and specific tools to maintain and create boundaries. Watch the webinar and complete the evaluation by filling out the…

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Read more about the article How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint
MONTREAL, CANADA - MAY 23, 2016 - Microsoft Office PowerPoint application on Samsung S7.

How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint

There are over 30 million presentations given daily, many of them using PowerPoint or a similar program to support the spoken word. The problem is that the layout and content of these presentations often take away from, rather than enhance the content. Often the speaker is nervous and believes that…

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Read more about the article Your Communication Strategy: From Paper & PDF to Digital
Digital world. Photo young business managers crew working with new startup project.Notebook on wood table. Using modern smartphones, typing message, analyze plans screen.

Your Communication Strategy: From Paper & PDF to Digital

Are you sending your newsletters, term programs and other marketing information by mail, or creating a PDF and emailing it? Would you like to increase your reach, lower your costs, measure your impact and help the environment? This webinar will take you through the steps you can take to switch…

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