Client Contributions

The Digital Literacy Foundation’s digital mentoring services are funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). In October 2015, a principles-based Client Contribution Framework (the Framework) was introduced for service providers and users of the CHSP. As such, all CHSP service providers are required to provide a publicly available client contribution policy that aligns with the CHPS Client Contribution Framework.[1]Our client contribution policy outlines the aims and rationale of the Framework and balances the following objectives:
  • To move towards national fairness and consistency in client contributions.
  • Improve the sustainability of the CHSP.
  • Provide appropriate safeguards for financially disadvantaged clients.

While the CHSP estimates that a reasonable client contribution for our digital mentoring services is $4-8 per hour,[2] based on the mission of the Digital Literacy Foundation and our target demographic, we understand that many of our clients are unable to contribute to their mentoring. For this reason, we support a voluntary system.

The Digital Literacy Foundation’s client contribution policy will be reviewed on an annual basis, based on the following Client Contributions Principles:

  1. Consistency: All clients who can afford to contribute to the cost of their care should do so. Client contributions should not exceed the actual cost of service provision.
  2. Transparency: Client contribution policies should include information in an accessible format and be publicly available, given to, and explained to, all new and existing clients.
  3. Hardship: Individual policies should include arrangements for those who are unable to pay the requested contribution.
  4. Reporting: Grant agreement obligations include a requirement for service providers to report the dollar amount collected from client contributions.
  5. Fairness: The Client Contribution Framework should take into account the client’s capacity to pay and should not exceed the actual cost to deliver the services. In administering this, service providers need to take into account partnered clients, clients in receipt of compensation payments and bundling of services.
  6. Sustainability: Revenue from client contributions should be used to support ongoing service delivery and expand the services providers are currently funded to deliver. [3]