Hawkesbury Hub Survey1. Your name 1. Your name2. How many services have you accessed online in the last fortnight? eg banking , Service NSW, myGov, shopping.* 2. How many services have you accessed online in the last fortnight? eg banking , Service NSW, myGov, shopping.*01 - 23 - 45 +3. How confident are you using your device when nobody is there to help you?* 3. How confident are you using your device when nobody is there to help you?*Not confident at allA little confidentSomewhat confidentConsiderably confidentVery confident4. Do you feel more confident using the device than you did at the beginning of this digital mentoring session?* 4. Do you feel more confident using the device than you did at the beginning of this digital mentoring session?*YesNo Thank you! Your answers will help us assess and improve our program.