iPad Dispatch Form

The purpose of this form is to initiate an iPad dispatch. By submitting this form a device will be deployed via courier/mail to a Learner. Thus, it is very important that the following steps have been completed.

  1. New Learner form has been completed in CiviCRM – click here.
  2. Identification has been obtained such as Drivers License or Passport. Identification above will be uploaded with this form (please note without I.D. we cannot process the deployment).
  3. A Police Check is no longer required for Learners wanting iPads. 

Check all the details are correct as the address provided here will be where the courier or postal service deliver the physical device.

For you reference, you can click here to check their address details and ensure the Learner has been added to CiviCRM.

Tracking Information will be issued into Slack #web-notices.