How-To: QR Codes & Service NSW

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, QR Codes have become a part of everyday life but they’re still a source of confusion and stress especially with ever-changing rules and regulations. We’re here to help. Keep reading for a handy how-to on QR codes and the Service NSW App.

Step One: Download the Service NSW App. The Government Application is available from the App Store (iPhones) and the Google Play Store (Android Phones). You can learn about this application from Service NSW themselves right here. Just so you know: this page also includes privacy information so you’ll know what happens when you download the application.

This is the Service NSW Application downloaded onto my iPhone. It’s always helpful for me to see what the app icon/image looks like before I install it so I know I’ve got the correct one.

My Service NSW App is all set up for me to log in with a Pin. This is my login screen. I don’t share my pin with anyone. The app is easy to log in to and use.

Step Two: When you attend a venue with mandatory QR Code check-in you can:

  a) open your camera on your phone and scan the QR Code that the venue provides, or

  b) open the Service NSW App and scan the venue QR Code from there.

Either of these options is allowed, it’s up to you to decide which is your preferred option. It’s important to remember that if you don’t have a device that you can check yourself in from, the venue must do this for you. 

Open your phone’s camera and scan the venue’s QR Code. If you have any issues, ensure the QR Code is in the centre of your camera. A prompt should then appear at the top of your screen to open in the Service NSW App.

In the Service NSW App, once logged in, select COVID Safe Check-In. You can find this under the “Tools” Section. This selection will open your camera where you will scan the venue’s QR Code. 

Step Three: Once registered, your contact details are linked to the Service NSW App so checking in becomes a quick and hassle-free experience. If you need to check-in any dependents who are with you at the time you are also able to do so at the time of check-in. 

Step Four: That’s it! If you have any other questions please contact us on 1300 163 106. We understand that learning new apps and processes can be difficult and we are here to help — Leep can link you to a Tech Mate who can teach you these skills and much more.