New COVID Info Line for CALD Seniors

A new COVID support line has been launched to help older Australians receive vital updates about the pandemic and aged care information in their first language. The line offers support in Greek, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese and Italian in an attempt to resolve confusion for these communities.

The past year has resulted in a confusing time for those from CALD backgrounds as they attempted to navigate and access essential information. The new multilingual support line will ensure those in need can receive tailored advice. This much needed service aims to promote access to vital information and break down barriers but people should keep in mind that, while this is a great step, it is nowhere near the final solution.


*If you are a CALD Senior, Leep can help support you. Call us on 1300 163 106 to begin your learning journey.

Read more information on this new support line here +