Tech Mate Spotlight | Introducing Angela

Angela become a Digital Literacy Foundation trained volunteer Tech Mate, or digital mentor, in May 2023.

Why did you join Digital Literacy Foundation as a volunteer digital mentor or Tech Mate?

I became a Tech Mate because I wanted to help people who had trouble using technology. I have often assisted my father, and wanted to help others in the same situation as him.

How do you approach face-to-face digital mentoring sessions with Learners?

I usually start by asking what devices they have, and what they want me to help them with. They might want to learn how emails work, or how to save photos, or how to download an app. I then help them to develop the skills they want.

What do people want to learn?

Most often, it’s how to email messages, send texts, store photos, do online shopping, or buy a new device.

What is your biggest highlight as a Tech Mate?

The biggest highlight – so far! –is when I have helped a Learner to learn a new technical skill.

Thank you, Angela! And thanks to all our Tech Mates. We are grateful for your invaluable contributions. Your dedication and generosity makes a significant difference in our community.

To volunteer with us as a Tech Mate, you don’t need to be a tech wizard. You only need to have basic skills that you’d like to share. Find out more about becoming a Digital Literacy Foundation Tech Mate here.