Volunteering, Post-Retirement, is Good for the Soul

Have you ever worried that being retired means your skills, experience and time are no longer important? This article from Have a Go News shows us that being retired doesn’t mean becoming redundant.

National Chair and National Strategy Co-ordinator for the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Australia, Rod Mitchell, claims that “volunteers are incredibly valuable to society.” Being retired provides you with the opportunity to do more than you could before, in the manner of your own choosing. “There are great personal rewards that come from volunteering,” he stresses.

Retirement can often lead to a loss of the network that came from being employed, leading in turn to feelings of loneliness and helplessness. Australian Seniors recommends all retirees to volunteer, as it improves mental health and well-being, and conversely makes people feel less time-poor. Volunteering helps to build empathy and strengthen your social bond through improved connections.

Whilst there is a multitude of volunteering opportunities on websites such as GoVolunteer, keep in mind that Leep doesn’t have any age restrictions: as long as you have tech skills, you can become a volunteer Tech Mate. Learn more here.