Where Would We Be Without Volunteers?

Can you imagine a world without volunteers? It seems odd to even think about, yet data from Volunteering Australia shows that volunteering has been decreasing over time, and that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated lowering volunteer numbers.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that nearly one in ten Australians haven’t returned to volunteering in the past year. Causes for the decline range from ageing members, lack of time, to lack of interest.

Some volunteer organisations, like the Rutherglen Red Cross, have been forced to disband due to declining volunteer numbers. So… what do we do?

It’s important to remind ourselves and others why we volunteer: helping your community and social connection are two of the main reasons. Whilst the pandemic has certainly put a dampener on in-person volunteering, many organisations {like us!} offer remote volunteering opportunities.

This article from The Corowa Free Press outlines some of the issues the volunteering space currently faces, and highlights the resilience of local volunteers – an attribute that’s much needed in today’s climate.